Go For Some Green Juice
If you have a juicer collecting dust in one of your kitchen cabinets, I challenge you to dust it off and bring it out today, just for fun. I have to admit that my juicing habits come and go. I get inspired and have a juice daily and then weekly and then I totally forget about it for several months. When I do drag that juicer out and create a new juice recipe, I am always so happy that I did.
When I take the time to juice, I especially like this green juice recipe. It has lots of good nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins. It reduces inflammation and can help to improve digestive health. And it is energizing and tastes so good.
- 1 green apple cut into large pieces
- 4 cups baby spinach
- 4 large carrots
- 1 large cucumber
- cinnamon, ginger and turmeric to taste
Prepare the ingredients.
Plug in the juicer.
Press all the produce into the juicer and then add the spices to taste.
Bon appétit!