Erin Linde Erin Linde

Peace + PRT

The retreat that I was going to speak at this weekend was canceled, but I still wanted to share what I took the time to write. I was really excited to share about how I help people heal and also teach about Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), which is an amazing tool that helps people heal from chronic pain and other chronic conditions.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Client Testimonial

My wonderful client Alyssa shared this with me and let me know that I could share it here too. It brings me so much joy to watch as my clients become hopeful, empowered and heal while bringing more peace, balance, self-love and nourishment into their lives.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

A New Season

This is a picture from 25 years ago, when I was a teacher at the Teddy Bear Club (le Club Nounours), a bilingual French-English preschool.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Fruit + Veggie Challenge

Are you up for a fruit and veggie challenge?  To successfully complete this challenge, you will eat at least one fruit or vegetable at each of your 3 meals and snack if you have one, for 7 days or more.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Thanksgiving Salad + Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette

Are you in charge of bringing a salad or veggie side dish to your Thanksgiving get together?  Here is a simple, beautiful, delicious and nutritious salad with only four ingredients and a yummy homemade balsamic vinaigrette. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Releasing + Receiving

When the trees let go of their leaves in the fall, they conserve their energy through the winter, and make space for new growth in the spring. When we release things that are no longer helpful to us, we have more energy and are open to new opportunities and growth.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Tasty Fall Nourish Bowl + Tahini Sauce

Here is some tasty fall nourish bowl inspiration for you!  Today I had a bowl of quinoa, kale, sweet potatoes, yellow squash and roasted chickpeas with tahini sauce for lunch.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Signs + Symptoms

When you are driving on the road and you see a sign that says slow down, you pay attention and slow down, so that you don’t crash into something or drive off the road around a tight corner.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Easy Homemade Chicken Soup

During the fall season is when I start to think about enjoying soups again.  When it comes to nourishing our family, we like to keep things as simple as possible.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

You Are Enough

A tendency toward perfectionism can be from a subconscious belief that if we are not good enough, we may not be accepted or loved. And if we make a mistake, we could be rejected and isolated.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Happy National Dog Day

Our sweet Emmy was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called MMM when she was 4 years old.  After 9 months of serious medication, she suffered horrible side effects and we weren’t sure how long she would live.  She will be 12 years old in November. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

A Position To Thrive

I believe that we can flourish when we have the freedom and ability to put ourselves in a position to heal physically, mentally and emotionally.  When we skillfully replace deficiencies, proactively remove toxicities and lovingly restore balance, we can heal and thrive.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Nature's Healing Power

I’m reading a book called Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life by Renée Peterson Trudeau.  I really like her list of reasons to take time to get outside and into nature.  Here are some of them…

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Make It Easier

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how in order to create a good habit, we need to make it obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying. In order to break a bad habit, we need to make it invisible, unattractive, difficult and unsatisfying.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Love You

One of the most important things we can do to support our healing is intentionally choose to love ourselves completely, right now, as we are.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Quinoa + Veggies Bowl

When I plan a meal, I choose a protein, green vegetable, starchy vegetable and/or gluten-free grain, healthy fat and some seasonings or sauce.  This is what works for me as a unique bioindividual, at my age, my body type, my microbiome, my sensitivities, my amount of exercise and what I enjoy. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Healing Chronic Pain + Symptoms

Chronic mental and physical pain and symptoms may be the manifestation of unconscious or conscious emotional, social and spiritual pain.  If you’d like to experience deep and sustainable healing, it is important to consider how mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual health are all connected and vital for our optimal health and wellness.

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