Make It Easier
In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how in order to create a good habit, we need to make it obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying. In order to break a bad habit, we need to make it invisible, unattractive, difficult and unsatisfying.
One of the most important habits we can have is nourishing our bodies with healthy whole foods. When we eat more fruit and vegetables and less processed foods, we can put our bodies in a position to heal.
When we get our organic berries and cherries home from the grocery store, I take them out of their plastic containers, rinse them clean, pat them dry with a paper towel and store them in glass containers. My family is much more likely to eat a bowl of fruit, if the fruit is right there in front of them, clean and ready to be enjoyed.
We buy salad greens that are washed and ready to easily put on our plate. As soon as I have time tomorrow, I will cut and prepare the cucumbers and peppers to put on salads or for mid-afternoon snacks. I will also chop up the zucchini to grill and prepare the sweet potatoes to bake.
We have treats in our house like dark chocolate and nuts, dairy-free ice cream, corn chips and more. These treats are delicious and don’t affect us adversely when we eat them in moderation. We avoid having other more processed foods in our home that could be a source of temptation and trigger symptoms that we’d rather avoid.
If you are trying to break a habit like drinking alcohol or eating some food that you believe is not helping you in achieving your health and wellness goals, keep it out of the house so it is much more difficult to access.
The more you eat fruits and veggies, the more your body will start to crave them. You will begin to starve out the bacteria and candida that crave processed foods and sugar, and start to create a more harmonious and balanced microbiome and digestive system.
Make it easier to achieve your health and wellness goals by setting yourself up for success. I wish you the best on your healing journey!