More Green Goodness
Spring and summer are the seasons that I am more likely to dig out our juicer and get juicing in random spurts of enthusiasm. This simple recipe includes a whole bunch of celery.
Take a minute to google “benefits of celery juice” and click on images and you will be inspired to try some fresh pressed celery juice for sure. If you make your own or buy a fresh pressed celery juice, please let me know.
1 whole bunch of celery
3 cups baby spinach
3 green apples
Prepare and clean the ingredients.
Plug in the juicer.
Press all the produce into the juicer.
With this amount of ingredients, each of us in our family of four were able to enjoy about a half of a large wine glass of green juice like this one here. Double the ingredients if you would like a more full glass for four people.
Cheers + Bon appétit!