You Have The Power

The bleeding heart is such a sturdy and durable plant that bursts out of the ground with authority and confidence every spring.  When you experience emotional pain, it can feel like your heart is broken and bleeding.  Remember that you are stronger than you think and you have the power within you to heal.  You are beautiful, graceful, strong and resilient. 

Your mind, heart, spirit and soul intuitively know how to shift your body into a healing state.  When you stop, be quiet, sit still and listen closely, you are putting yourself in a calm and healing state where you can receive divine wisdom, love and direction.  Prayer, mindfulness and meditation are powerful healing tools. 

When you are in chronic pain and have debilitating symptoms that are mental, emotional or physical, it may feel too painful, confusing or even scary to sit still and try to listen.  You don’t have to try to figure it out all on your own.  Sometimes it is a friend, family member or coach who listens closely to you and reflects back to you the divine wisdom, love and direction that you need.

When your hope and desire are strong enough, you will be open to ideas that can transform your life.  You may realize that your unconscious chronic fears are putting you in a chronic state of agitation which may be triggering your symptoms.  By intentionally learning to calm yourself through daily mindfulness and meditation, the symptoms could start to fade. Or you may understand that your unprocessed anger from years ago could be stored in your body causing chronic pain or inflammation.  By processing your emotions through expressive writing and other emotional release techniques, your pain could simply go away.

As long as we are alive here in our bodies, here on earth, just like this bleeding heart plant, we will experience all the seasons.  Some seasons will be of new growth, we’ll feel strong, energized and the world will be bursting with color and joy.  Other seasons we will experience loss, sadness and sickness.  During the painful seasons, try to remember the spring, how you grew those strong roots, what grounded you and helped bring you back to balance.  Then slow down and do whatever you can to put yourself in that position to heal once again.


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Roasted Veggie + Chicken Fajitas