Balancing Life + Hormones
I just finished reading this wonderful book called Healing Fibroids: A Doctor’s Guide to a Natural Cure by Allan Warshowsky, M.D. and Elena Oumano, Ph.D. This book is filled with wisdom, knowledge, resources and guidance for not only those hoping to naturally heal their fibroids, but for anyone on their healing journey.
“Optimum health rests on a three-cornered foundation:
Unconditional love of your body, mind and spirit
Awareness of self and others
Acceptance of responsibility for your own health”
Learning to truly love ourselves is a big part of our healing process. When we are mindful and self-aware, it can empower us to take responsibility and appropriate action. We may then be inspired to discover the root cause, remove toxicities, replenish deficiencies and restore balance in all areas of our lives.
Being aware of our level of stress and learning how to manage it is key in restoring balance to our lives. Chronic emotions of anger and fear can cause chronic stress and affect our health and hormones. We can’t control life, but we can make an effort to slow down and pay attention to our thoughts and our emotions. We can take the time to meditate, pray, change our limiting beliefs and experience more emotional freedom.
Here are some things you could do this weekend to bring more peace and joy into your life. Roll out your yoga mat, put on some peaceful music, diffuse your favorite essential oil and do some stretching and balancing poses. Put on your running sneakers, listen to your favorite music and go for an energizing jog out in the fresh air. Take the time to create a refreshing smoothie or make a delicious salad with your favorite vegetables and seasonings. Try out something new like acupuncture or maybe treat yourself to a massage.
When we intentionally focus on caring for our mind, body and spirit, we can bring more balance into our lives and our hormones too. I wish you the best as you take these empowering steps along your healing journey.