Change + Growth
“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” - Amit Ray
Change can be painful and beautiful at the same time. When we intentionally make changes in our lives to be healthier and happier, it may feel painful at first and then rewarding soon after.
The cool thing is that there are so many different ways to heal and shift to a healthier lifestyle. Depending on what works for you as a unique individual, you get to choose your path to wellness and optimal health.
You may resist the idea of sitting for 10 minutes in meditation, but be excited to go for a walk in nature with your friends.
You may not be a fan of yoga, but would love to train for a 5K.
You may not be open to drinking a smoothie every morning, but totally embrace having a huge delicious salad full of greens for lunch.
You may be completely opposed to ever stop drinking alcohol, but love the idea of doing a seasonal detox.
You may have no interest in taking supplements every day, but are curious to try a daily hot cup of bone broth.
You may think breath work is boring, but you are interested to see if taking a daily cold shower could reduce your inflammation.
It is my goal to empower you with more knowledge and tools, encourage you to tap into your own intuition and be inspired to keep exploring your healing options.
Sometimes it is not about completely giving something up or going really extreme, but easing into things. My hope is that you will find a sustainable way of life that brings you better health, more energy and joy.
As the seasons change, I hope you keep healing, keep growing, keep searching and adapting your lifestyle until you find what is most beneficial and healing for you.