Changing Our Subconscious Beliefs
I realized recently that I still get really anxious when I travel and visit cities. On our last family trip, when we were walking around Seattle, we crossed many roads with busy traffic and busses zooming around the corners. Every time we crossed a road, I would put my arms around my teenage daughters, guiding them, protecting them and warning them of every potential danger. “Okay, let’s hurry, car coming, watch that bump on the sidewalk, be careful, don’t trip….”
My girls patiently responded: “Yep, we’re good, we see the car, the bump on the sidewalk, the bus, the person zooming by on their bike, thanks...” After recognizing that I was being a little over the top, I started to apologize for being so anxious and instead said defensively “You are lucky to have an anxious mom! My anxiety helps to keep us safe.”
Then as soon as I said it, I realized that was just a subconscious belief that I had formed throughout my life. And then I wasn’t really sure if it was true. I don’t want to be on high alert and anxious, but I was suddenly aware that I truly thought that I needed to hold onto the anxiety as a shield to protect myself and my family.
Sometimes we hold onto these subconscious thoughts and beliefs to protect ourselves, when they may actually be causing us great pain and limiting our ability to experience real joy. When we become aware of our thoughts and limiting beliefs we can form new ways of thinking and a new abundant and free mindset.
I don’t want my girls to think they need to be anxious to keep them safe. I hope and pray that they will be happy, confident and brave. I hope that they make kind, good, wise, helpful and loving choices. I pray that they enjoy life without the weight of chronic fear. Instead of “my anxiety helps to keep me safe” I hope they think “I’m alert, I’m wise, I pay attention, I care, I’m thankful, I’m calm, I’m strong and everything is going to be okay.”
Today when we went into Cambridge for a family adventure and to get a yummy lunch at the Life Alive Organic Cafe, I was intentional about highlighting all that was good and not pointing out all of what I could have perceived as potential dangers. I used my words to focus on the beauty and wonderful aspects of the city.
“Look at that awesome purple house, I love that. What pretty flowers in their garden and window boxes! I love the vibe of this place, look at all these plants. Oh my gosh, I have to try that Iced Ocean Blue, blue-green algae, maca, vanilla, sea salt drink, what a gorgeous color. Wow, that guy at Life Alive was so friendly…”
I believe we can start to change our limiting subconscious beliefs when we are aware of them, intentionally think new thoughts and speak words of truth instead. There will always be things to be scared of and to worry about. I’m going to keep highlighting what is good, loving and fun. Let’s all focus on what is positive in this world and also be the light, the love and joy that we want more of in it too.