Lifelong Daily Movement Motivation

As soon as Anna was old enough to safely ride in a jogger stroller, we began our running adventures. Besides the nine months that I was pregnant, and the two months of healing after the C-section, I had been running almost every day since college. I was determined to keep it part of our daily lives and routine.

We ran around the neighborhood in all weather.  Anna would be bundled up with a blanket on cold days snuggling her teddy bear or relaxing in her bathing suit and sunglasses on hot and sunny days.  

After Kate was born and ready for the jogging stroller experience, we bought a double jogger.  The girls would hold onto their snacks and little sippy cups while they chatted and giggled, observing the world around them.  They would shout with enthusiasm and encouragement, “Go mommy, go!” as I struggled to jog up the big hills.

When they were too old for the stroller, they would ride their bikes and I would jog along behind them.  Now the girls and I sometimes run together or we run on our own.  I’m so thankful that they have learned to appreciate the benefits of running, daily movement and fresh air.

At this season of my life, I run a few days a week, walk a few days a week and do a strength training workout a few days a week.  Sometimes I do some yoga and stretching.  My goal is to sweat, strengthen and stretch my body and get my heart pumping.  I adjust my exercise based on what feels right for me that day and the time of the month.

Making movement a lifelong habit helps you to:

  • strengthen your immune system.

  • keep your brain and mood healthy and happy.

  • maintain a healthy weight.

  • build and maintain healthy bones and muscles.

  • reduce the risk of developing a chronic illness.

  • reduce the risk of dying prematurely.

If exercise has not yet become a part of your daily life, now is the time to give yourself this gift of strength and healing.  Make a plan today and decide how you would enjoy moving your body.  Be creative with new ideas and have fun with it.  Be intentional, be intuitive, be flexible and have grace for yourself too.  Go for it!


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