Spread Your Wings

I’m a runner and not an expert yogi at all, but when I have taken the time to practice yoga, I always feel more relaxed, refreshed and stronger when I’m done.  A few years ago, when I went to a hot yoga class, the yoga instructor Leanne said something that had a profound healing effect on me.  

We were doing a pose, I think it was a tree pose or something like that.  As we stood on one leg, we were supposed to balance our other foot somewhere along the side, anywhere from low down by the ankle or high up by the knee.  As I wobbled trying to figure out the best place to rest the bottom of my foot, I held my hands in the prayer position.

I decided to keep my foot right above my ankle because that felt comfortable and grounding.  As Leanne encouraged us to reach our hands up high and stretch them out above our heads, she said, “It is okay to take up space.”

Emotion welled up inside me and I held back the tears that were stinging my eyes.  As a young child, I was painfully shy and felt more comfortable being quiet, not taking up any space, not making noise or bothering anyone.  

Sometimes it is just easier to stay behind the scenes, stay silent and observe.  And sometimes it is time to speak up, share what is on our mind and be brave.  That day at yoga class, I felt like I received an invitation to step out of my comfort zone and step into what I was inspired to do.

For those of us who are more introverted, shy or anxious, sometimes we may feel like we are just crawling along slowly, trying to keep up with the world around us.  We may feel safer, just staying inside, cozy in our little cocoon.  Then we receive the words of encouragement that we need and we can’t help but spread our wings and start to take up some space.

If you are unsure of who you are, or how you want to share your greatness with others, I hope that you will discover the beauty and gifts that are within you.  Then give yourself time and space to freely express your creativity and share it with others.  Look up, spread your wings, fly and boldly live the life you are called to live.


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