Self-Discovery, Personality + Purpose

This photo is from 10 years ago, when the girls were 6 and 4 years old.  Anna loves to sing and continues to burst into song throughout each day and doesn’t even realize she is doing it.  Kate loves to design and create art and always has a pen, pencil, paintbrush or some sort of tool in hand, ready to make something.  I love how this picture captures their biggest passions, Anna with her music notes, and Kate with her rainbows.

One of my favorite things to do is to help people discover what makes them special and how they are gifted to serve the world and make it a better place.  Some tools that I enjoy using as part of the self-discovery process are these free online personality tests: the Enneagram Personality Test and the 16 Personalities Test.

Sometimes knowing more about ourselves, what we love to do, how we love to make a difference and give to others, can give us the motivation to take the steps we need in order to move forward on our healing journey.  Discovering our unique purpose pulls us forward and keeps us moving to achieve our ideal life and optimal health.

Every client is unique and in a different place on her health and wellness journey.  Some clients are feeling pretty good health-wise, but they feel lost because they don’t know what they want to do during the next season of their life.  She may be a stay-at-home mom who dedicated 15 plus years to raising her children, taking care of her home and family and now that the kids are in college, she has time and would like more energy to contribute to others and the world in a new way.

To summarize my results from these personality tests, I’m mostly 1, 2 and 3 in the enneagram test.  A combination of these personalities is someone who is organized, conscientious, has a desire to inspire and be loving and helpful to others.

I’ve taken the 16 personalities test a few times and I’m the INFJ and ISFJ, the Advocate and Defender.  The Advocate is described as someone who thinks and feels deeply, an idealist with integrity.  The Defender personality is warm, efficient and responsible, giving careful attention to practical details in their daily lives.

If you take the time to do one of these online personality tests, please let me know what you discover about yourself and if what the tests reveal resonates with you.  The results for me totally make sense and confirm my purpose to be a health coach.


Crunchy + Sweet Treat


Chocolate Chip Banana Bread