The Pile Of Shoes
Every day I walk past this ever-growing pile of shoes in our garage. Most days I shake my head and think to myself... I need to remind the girls to put their shoes on the shoe rack. Then I forget about it and walk by them again and again. Usually I just think of it as a potential tripping hazard.
Today for some reason when I looked at those shoes, I actually thought it was a beautiful sight. I even stopped to take a picture of it. I had this moment of deep gratitude and awareness that this pile is not going to be there forever.
A couple of weeks ago when I was driving Anna down to her voice lessons, we had a really nice conversation. Oftentimes when we are in the car, if she isn’t driving, she is busy snapchatting and texting her friends on her phone. In the past, I used to get annoyed and would try to insist that she put her phone away, look up and have a conversation with me.
I’ve just recently learned to ask a few questions and then gauge her attentiveness and her mood. If she has several delays in her response and seems to get more annoyed with each question, I’ve learned to let it go and just listen to the music.
But this time, she was laughing and listening to me, sharing her thoughts about her future, her dreams and her goals. This was a happy mom moment, and I recorded it in my mind to save and enjoy again later. Anna will have her license within a couple of months and she won’t need me to drive her places anymore.
Having teenagers, there are certain things that can be perceived as annoying at times, like the pile of shoes, the dirty dishes in the sink and driving them around town and being their chauffeur. Depending on my mood, I’m not always successful at this, but these are the thoughts and mantras of gratitude that I try to remember.
When I walk by the pile of shoes… I’m so thankful that they have shoes to wear that are comfortable and that they love. I’m so glad that they are healthy enough to put on shoes and go places. This pile won’t always be here.
When I see the blender in the sink partly rinsed with peanut butter still stuck to the side… I’m so thankful that they know how to make their own healthy breakfast. I’m so glad that they took the time to make their smoothies today. These dirty dishes will not always be in the sink.
When they want another ride somewhere… I’m so thankful that they have good friends and that they have fun opportunities and activities. I’m so glad that I get to be with them as they laugh and sing loudly to the music in the car. When they have their licenses, they will no longer need me to drive them.
When they look up from their phones and chat with me about their thoughts and ideas… I smile and I thank God for this moment.
When I get a text that says, “Want to go for a walk?”... I say of course and I thank God for this moment.
When they come over and give me a hug for no reason… I savor it and I thank God for this moment.