Unique As Fingerprints

Research studies show that sea shells are as unique as fingerprints.  We are all unique and have our own personalities, passions, talents and temperaments.  The more we understand what makes us unique, the more we can live our lives authentically, in alignment and in balance.

We are also unique in the way that we get sick, how we suffer and then how we heal.  Food that may be nourishing and healing for one person may be harmful and toxic to another.  Exercise that may be strengthening and energizing for one person may be draining and exhausting for another.  We need to learn how to be intuitive and learn what our unique body needs when we are on our healing journeys.

I’ve recently done three free online quizzes for more self-discovery.  The first one was a Dharma Quiz, the second was a Dosha Quiz and the third was another Enneagram Personality Test.  These quizzes and tests don’t tell us exactly who we are, but I think that they are fun to do and they can help us be more self-aware and self-understanding.

My Dharma Quiz results showed that my predominant archetype is the nurturer.  "The Nurturer is here to care and connect… They are highly empathic and can feel exactly what a person needs… They are natural healers and have an ability to transmit that healing through their love.” 

“Simply being in their presence feels restorative… Many Nurturers become coaches, but their coaching style is different than that of the Teacher, who may be more intellectual. The Nurturer is more about emotions and energy. They’re here to hold your hand and help you find a way out of your problem."

I’ve spent most of my life not being self-aware or knowing what gifts I had to share with others. I tried to fit into roles, jobs and positions that were not a right fit for me. So reading these results was encouraging to me and affirming that I am now in alignment with my purpose. I hope taking the time to learn more about yourself will be helpful to you too.

My Dosha Quiz results showed that I am 70% Vata (full of energy and creativity) 30% Pitta (sharp thinker) and 0% (warm of heart and steady of mind).  I think I have a pretty warm heart, but I do need to work hard to keep a steady mind!  About a year ago, one of my mentors who is skilled at Ayurvedic dosha assessments said that I was: P55V35K10 or 55% Pitta, 35% Vata and 10% Kapha.  

I think the dosha concept is fascinating and can be extremely helpful in healing and balancing our bodies, minds and emotions through nourishment, movement and lifestyle.  Since I am not naturally calm and grounded, I need to intentionally work on that.  Even though I’m not inclined to do yoga, meditate or sit still for any period of time, it is essential in order to keep me balanced. Recently I’ve learned to love soups, which are delicious and balancing for my dosha.

My Enneagram Personality Test results showed that I am a one (the teacher - can lead through integrity and reason), nine (the peacemaker - can bring people together and heal conflicts) and two (the helper - can shine with generosity and intuiting people’s needs). Last time when I took this quiz on a different website, I was mostly one, two and three in the enneagram test.  A combination of these personalities is someone who is organized, conscientious, has a desire to inspire and be loving and helpful to others.

If you take any of these quizzes or tests, please let me know if what you discover encourages you and confirms that you are in alignment with what you desire to do or feel called to do.  It is possible that your results may inspire you to go after your dreams that you forgot were inside of you.

Remember that these assessments are not meant to define you, label you or put you in a box.  Instead, they can give you an opportunity to self-reflect and consider which areas of your life may be out of balance. They can also demonstrate how you are on your unique path, doing what brings you joy and doing what is of great service to others.


Stronger Along the Journey


Must-Go Soup Inspiration