Be Still + Breathe Deeply

Two weeks ago, I committed to listening to a guided meditation for at least five minutes every day for thirty days.  What inspired this was a perfect combination of motivation, understanding and accountability.

  1. Motivation: I received blood work that showed my cholesterol levels had gone up significantly over the last year without changing anything too drastically in my lifestyle, except for a lot more stress, less sleep and maybe a little too many take out treat meals for dinner.

  2. Understanding: I understood that when we have chronic stress and our cortisol levels are consistently high, this can lead to elevated cholesterol levels. I had also recently watched the Heal Documentary which reminded me of the healing power of meditation to reduce chronic stress.

  3. Accountability: Some of my friends also felt inspired to do something about their stress levels and one suggested that we start meditating daily.  Since I agreed to do this with them, I am committed to it.  Even though we are not meditating together at the same time, we are there for each other.  We text reminders and share different guided meditations that we enjoy.

So for 14 days in a row, I’ve taken the time to just sit and be still in my comfy yellow rocking chair.  I put in my AirPods, open my InsightTimer app on my phone and listen to a guided meditation.  Some days I do a 5 minute meditation, others a 25 minute meditation.  Depending on my mood, I may choose to listen to encouraging words on gratitude, letting go, hope, focus, boundaries, belly breathing and more.

Now that I’ve taken the time to meditate every day for two weeks, it has become a habit and I enjoy the process and experience of it.  I know there are many benefits of meditation for my mind, body and spirit.  I know that my body is in a relaxed state which promotes healing.  With my intentional relaxed belly breathing, I’m increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout the body.

While my body is relaxing, I am filling my mind with positive thoughts.  Meditation is a wonderful tool to help me to strengthen my immune system, manage stress, practice gratitude and also be more kind, loving and patient to everyone around me.


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