Sunshine + Clouds Mindfulness Meditation

Are you up for trying a fun five minute meditation?  All you need is a quiet, comfortable and safe space to sit without interruptions. 

Take a deep and calming breath, close your eyes and pay attention closely to what thoughts roll around in your head.  Picture them as if they are clouds floating by.

If a thought is negative, sad, fearful or angry, look at it, acknowledge it and take a big breath through your nose. Then blow air out of your mouth and watch the thought speed away in a powerful gust of wind.

Now intentionally think of a positive thought.  The clouds have blown away by the power of your mind, the sun is shining and the sky is bright blue.  

  • “What if I fail the test?” to “What if I ace the test?”

  • “I should really…” to “What can I do to nourish and care for myself today?”

  • “What if I never get well?” to “What if I heal and am healthier than I ever have been before?” 

  • “I wish I never…” to “I did the best I could with what I had and what I knew at that time.”

If no clear thoughts enter your mind, picture words like love, joy, peace, kindness and gratitude written across the bright blue sky.  As you think of the hopeful thoughts and positive words, intentionally put a smile on your face and imagine the warm sun shining on your face.    

I hope this exercise helped you become more aware of your thoughts and empowered you to focus on what is calming and healing to you.  If it was helpful, I’d love to hear from you. Have a wonderful day!


Emotions + Mindset


Surprising Suppressed Emotions