Erin Linde Erin Linde

Emmy’s Healing Journey

This past Wednesday was International Dog Day, so I am inspired to share a picture and story about our sweet dog Emmy. Our adorable Golden Retriever will be 10 years old this November and I thank God every day that she is still here with us.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Choosing Grace Over Consistency

Before Anna was born, I remember people explaining to us that one of the most important things to do when parenting is to be consistent. Have a routine, be predictable and be consistent so that your baby knows what to expect and feels safe in the familiarity.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Why I Love Being A Coach

I never liked running until my college years, when I discovered it really worked well for me to lose the freshman 15 that I had quickly put on. I learned to love running because it made me feel healthy and strong.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Go For Some Green Juice

If you have a juicer collecting dust in one of your kitchen cabinets, I challenge you to dust it off and bring it out today, just for fun. I have to admit that my juicing habits come and go.

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