Erin Linde Erin Linde

Choose Your Pace

I had to be at the resort bus stop at 3:30 AM the morning of the Disney Marathon in 2013. As thousands of runners wandered around or stretched their legs near the start line, someone repeated over the loudspeaker several times, “Be sure to run at a conversational pace today, it is extremely hazy, hot and humid and it will continue to get hotter throughout the morning.”

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

A Bouncer For Your Mind

A bouncer is someone who prevents troublemakers from entering a building or may eject them from the premises.  What if we all created our own imaginary bouncer or security guard to protect our minds from troublemaking thoughts?

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

You Have The Power

The bleeding heart is such a sturdy and durable plant that bursts out of the ground with authority and confidence every spring.  When you experience emotional pain, it can feel like your heart is broken and bleeding.  Remember that you are stronger than you think and you have the power within you to heal.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Optimize Your Gut Health

Yesterday was the 360 Thrive Wellness spring retreat at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden. As I was driving home after the retreat, I felt peaceful, calm and inspired.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Hope For Healing

Rainbows are such a beautiful sign of hope.  It is my mission to give you hope that you can heal, experience less pain, grow stronger and have the energy to do whatever brings you the most joy. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Balancing Overflow

Imagine that you have two cups within your body.  One cup has the label FILL and the other has the label EMPTY. When the first cup is full and overflowing, you feel energized and hopeful and you can’t help but pour love out to everyone around you.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Calm + Enthusiasm

This photo is from the mid 90s, either when I was in college or right after. When I think about this new year ahead, this picture represents what I continue to work toward, a wonderful combination of calm and enthusiasm for this adventure we call life.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Emotions + Expressive Writing

Since I’ve learned that our repressed negative emotions can adversely affect our health, I’m trying to be mindful of the different emotions that I feel.  Sometimes when I am feeling triggered or flooded with some emotions, it is helpful for me to sit down and type up my thoughts. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Emotions + Mindset

“Our emotions create our internal chemistry and affect our genes and health.” - Bernie S. Siegel, MD from the book The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Sunshine + Clouds Mindfulness Meditation

Are you up for trying a fun five minute meditation? All you need is a quiet, comfortable and safe space to sit without interruptions. Close your eyes and pay attention closely to what thoughts roll around in your head.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Surprising Suppressed Emotions

Playing field hockey in high school with all of my closest friends was definitely one of my favorite memories.  So I was surprised to discover some suppressed emotions from our last season, my senior year, when I was doing an expressive writing exercise the other day.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Fruits + Veggies First

This time of year, many of us are blessed with opportunities to eat lots of tasty treats, cookies, candies and pies.  I thoroughly enjoy them, especially the gluten-free vegan ones!  One way to stay balanced and continue to give your body the nourishment it needs, is to consider the crowding out concept.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Hummus + Fresh Veggies Wrap

Happy Taco Tuesday! If you’d like a delicious, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan wrap or a cool taco idea, this is my new favorite. It is so light, fresh, crunchy, flavorful and healthy.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Change + Growth

Change can be painful and beautiful at the same time. When we intentionally make changes in our lives to be healthier and happier, it may feel painful at first and then rewarding soon after.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Sweet Potatoes + Salad Inspiration

These sweet potatoes are perfect as a side dish with some green veggies like broccoli, french cut green beans or asparagus and your protein of choice. They could also be a delicious soft, sweet and warm mid-afternoon snack.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Apologizing + Appreciating

In her book The High 5 Habit, Mel Robbins gives some great examples of how simply shifting the way we speak and express ourselves can empower us, transform our level of confidence and improve our relationships.  Feeling empowered, believing in yourself and having strong relationships are all very important for your healing process.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

The High 5 Habit

Have you heard of Mel Robbins and her book The High 5 Habit? I think Mel is so inspiring, encouraging and motivating and I love the simple, powerful and effective tools that she shares in her book.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Teen School Lunches

I was recently asked for tips on packing school lunches. Our girls started packing their own lunches for school a while ago. However, if they are really busy with homework and after school activities, sometimes I will make their lunches for them.

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