Erin Linde Erin Linde

All Things Are Possible

One of the lowest points in my life was going through years of unexplained infertility before we were blessed with Anna and then Kate seventeen months later. I am so thankful for the fertility experts, doctors and the loving support and prayers of our family and friends.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Quick + Easy Pasta Meal

This is one of those meals that is simple to make and we usually have all of the ingredients stocked in our kitchen. Our goal is to eat mostly organic whole food, with a lot of vegetables, a variety of protein sources and some healthy fats.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Lifelong Daily Movement Motivation

As soon as Anna was old enough to safely ride in a jogger stroller, we began our running adventures. Besides the nine months that I was pregnant, and the two months of healing after the C-section, I had been running almost every day since college. I was determined to keep it part of our daily lives and routine.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Spread Your Wings

I’m a runner and not an expert yogi at all, but when I have taken the time to practice yoga, I always feel more relaxed, refreshed and stronger when I’m done. A few years ago, when I went to a hot yoga class, the yoga instructor Leanne said something that had a profound healing effect on me.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Chocolate Chip Banana Cookies

These chocolate chip banana cookies are gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free and so yummy!  The recipe below is slightly adapted from Dr. Axe’s Edible Cookie Dough Recipe.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

The Hydration Habit

You probably already know how important it is to hydrate with water daily to keep your body healthy and energized. The first step is knowing, the second step is caring and the third step is making it happen!

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Sweetgreen Inspired Warm Bowl Salad

Ken, the girls and I all love the Harvest Bowl (without the goat cheese) from Sweetgreen. The other day Anna was craving it, and luckily we had a lot of the ingredients on hand!

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

People Do Care

Have you ever got excited to share something on social media and the thought crossed your mind “Nobody cares.” or “Nobody gives a shit.”? I have, and I often choose to ignore those thoughts because my desire to help others outweighs my fear of nobody caring what I have to say.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

The Gift of Knowing What is Possible

There are times in life when we can only see our shadows.  Things may appear distorted and gray, and we lose sight of where we are going and what is really possible for us. Then something shifts, the light shines in a new way or we look in the mirror and we get a glimpse of who we really are and who we could be. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Crunchy + Sweet Treat

This afternoon I was craving something crunchy and sweet, that also had some healthy fat and protein to sustain me with energy until dinner. This recipe contains three simple ingredients: rice cake, almond butter and honey.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Self-Discovery, Personality + Purpose

This photo is from 10 years ago, when the girls were 6 and 4 years old. Anna loves to sing and continues to burst into song throughout each day and doesn’t even realize she is doing it. Kate loves to design and create art and always has a pen, pencil, paintbrush or some sort of tool in hand ready to make something.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

This chocolate chip banana bread recipe is gluten-free, egg-free and delicious too!  I definitely have a sweet tooth and love baked goods as a special treat.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Our Thoughts + Emotional Freedom

The day or two after Thanksgiving, we take out all of our Christmas lights and decorations and put them up around the inside and outside of our house. When I see the pretty sparkling lights around our neighbors’ homes, trees and yards, I consider the beauty, and it brings me joy.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

An Opportunity To Fill Your Cup

Sometimes those who could benefit from working with a coach are those who feel most overwhelmed with life, feeling like there is not enough energy or time to even make it through the day. The idea of investing any time or money into themselves or into hiring a coach to help them seems like trying to pour out even more from an empty cup.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Hope in the Change of Seasons

As we transition into the winter season, sometimes it takes more effort to focus on hope and light instead of dwelling on the bitter cold and long hours of darkness.  Whatever you are going through right now, I hope you can see the light and dream of what is possible on the other side. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Teen Approved Smoothie

Mornings when the girls need to get up early and be out the door by 7:00 AM for school, I make them a smoothie with almond milk, a frozen banana, berries, baby spinach, peanut butter and two drops of liquid Vitamin D.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Be Still + Breathe Deeply

Two weeks ago, I committed to listening to a guided meditation for at least five minutes every day for thirty days. What inspired this was a perfect combination of motivation, understanding and accountability.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Simple Homemade Chicken Bone Broth Soup

Now that it is late fall and it is getting cooler outside, I love a nice warm bowl of soup. I don’t like to spend a lot of time cooking, so here’s a quick recipe for you to enjoy some nourishing goodness.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Knowledge, Compassion + Tools

As a health coach, I love to help my clients discover more about themselves, what they truly want out of life, and then help them go after it with a passion. I use my knowledge, compassion and tools to guide and support them.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

​My Favorite Purple Smoothie

Almost every morning I have a delicious blueberry-banana chocolate smoothie for breakfast. It is super hydrating and includes vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and all sorts of good stuff to satiate me and give me the energy that I need.

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