Erin Linde Erin Linde

Vegan Nourish Bowl

We’ve been enjoying making and creating a lot of rice bowls in our home lately.  We start with brown rice, white rice or even cauliflower rice every once in a while.  Then we add our vegetables, healthy proteins, fats, sauces and spices.  It is a simple and fun way to provide a quick, easy and nourishing meal for you and your family.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Apologizing + Forgiving

As soon as Kate was born, Anna was extremely enthusiastic about hugging, entertaining and playing with her little sister.  Now fifteen years later, Anna and Kate love each other very much and get along very well, usually. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Spinach Cookies

Here’s another recipe including greens for this month’s Greens Challenge!  These gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free cookies taste amazing, especially when they are nice and warm, right out of the oven. They are not very green in color, but they do have baby spinach in them and they taste so soft and delicious!  

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Stronger Along the Journey

As a health coach, I don’t diagnose, treat or cure any diseases. I do my best to find the root cause, remove toxicities, rebalance the body and restore deficiencies as necessary.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Unique As Fingerprints

Research studies show that sea shells are as unique as fingerprints. We are all unique and have our own personalities, passions, talents and temperaments. The more we understand what makes us unique, the more we can live our lives authentically, in alignment and in balance.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Must-Go Soup Inspiration

Growing up in our home, we didn’t have leftovers, we had must-gos for dinner! It was my mom’s creative way of clearing out whatever was left in the refrigerator, enjoying the rest of our food, not wasting anything and making it sound more fun.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

More Green Goodness

Spring and summer are the seasons that I am more likely to dig out our juicer and get juicing in random spurts of enthusiasm. This simple recipe includes a whole bunch of celery.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Simply Green Smoothies

These green smoothies have just four ingredients, like a lucky four leaf clover. Some say that the three leaves of a shamrock stand for faith, hope and love, and the fourth leaf is where we get the luck. I hope you have a blessed and lucky day!

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Lulu Inspired Oatmeal Cookies

​​A couple of weeks ago, I baked these yummy gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free oatmeal cookies. This recipe is inspired by one that my friends Lora and Lucas shared with me many years ago. 

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Greens Challenge

Since St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of spring are both coming up this month, I thought it would be fun to do a Greens Challenge. As the snow is melting and we are starting to see the green grass again here in New England, let’s make an effort to add some more green plant-based nourishment to our days.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

The Pile Of Shoes

Every day I walk past this ever-growing pile of shoes in our garage. Most days I shake my head and think to myself... I need to remind the girls to put their shoes on the shoe rack. Then I forget about it and walk by them again and again. Usually I just think of it as a potential tripping hazard.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Easy Turkey Chili + Gluten-Free Cornbread

Because of the food sensitivities in our family, I make an effort to bake everything gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free. Some recipes turn out well with my modifications and others, not so much. This time, I got lucky with the cornbread.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

I Feel Better

At the beginning of my healing journey, I listened to this song on repeat, over and over again, while I was on my treadmill. Most mornings I didn’t have enough motivation to actually put in my contacts, brush my hair back into a braid or ponytail or put on leggings. It was enough effort just to put my sports bra and sneakers on.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

You Are Not Alone

Today I went for a walk alone in the woods off a road in our neighborhood. It is a beautiful and quiet path. It felt nice to be out in nature, breathing in the fresh air, watching the gentle falling snow with the silence and the solitude.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Oatgurt + Strawberries

There are many health benefits of probiotics, including helping to balance the bacteria in your digestive system. I was very happy to find this dairy-free and gluten-free (with no added sugar) oatgurt. Oatly Oatgurt has five live and active vegan probiotic strains.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Love Challenge

Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, the director of a 75-year-old study on happiness and adult development, discovered that good relationships keep us happier and healthier. As Joshua Rosenthal says, “You can eat all the broccoli and brown rice in the world, but if you feel isolated and lonely, you are not going to be living life at full capacity.”

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

A Positive Ripple Effect

If you read this (or any of my blog posts) and you find it encouraging, motivating or helpful to you in any way, please let me know and share it with someone too.  I'd love to spread a message of hope and healing to anyone who might appreciate it and be blessed by it.  Thank you so much!​​

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

You Can’t Stop The Girl

When I was 13 years old, my parents brought me to a doctor to take a food intolerance test. Under “Please specify the symptoms you encounter with respect to foods” my dad wrote: “uptightness”. I laugh out loud when I read this.

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Erin Linde Erin Linde

Calming Solutions

When our girls were babies, Kate loved to snuggle and Anna loved to observe and be entertained by the world around her. When it came time to help them calm down and fall asleep, I tried the same techniques for both of them. The soothing methods that didn’t work for Anna were very helpful to Kate.

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